On December 16, 2007, www.commercial-fishing.org overtook several important websites to gain the Google search engine’s # 1 spot for the term “commercial fishing”.
Although Google is known for fluctuations in its search engine results and ranks are likely to change again, the upward shift in rank was an important benchmark for the site. The site continued to hold the #1 spot thru December of 2007.
Daybreak Web Designs is proud of the progress made by www.commercial-fishing.org. The goals for the website was to create a resource that hat would benefit commercial fishermen as well as businesses and organizations connected to the commercial fishing, seafood and aquaculture industries.
The site officially opened in January of 2007, offering the commercial fishing sector with tools such as a business directory, web forums, news, articles and other resources.
Tools on the site allow members to directly contribute information and discuss issues facing their industry. The site also accepts press releases, articles, business directory listings and other content from the commercial fishing and seafood industry.
Our emphasis has always been on the site being interactive. The idea was to give people that are connected to the commercial fishing industry a variety of tools that allow them to share information, promote their business and learn about industry changes.
Daybreak Web Designs, specializes in analyzing the behavior of search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. This experience was in place at a critical time for the commercial fishing industry
For the last 12 months we have worked to present content that is of benefit to the industry. Having the tools in place to allow others to contribute content was a vital component for us. The quality and quantity of the site’s content helped us during the Google re-alignment and much of that content came from the commercial fishing industry, so everyone benefited.
Search engine results change daily but commercial-fishing.org stands a good chance of staying in the top results for a variety of key phrases not only with Google but with Yahoo and MSN. These ranks allows the us to offer some of the best online advertising values available to those businesses that provide commercial fishing-related services and equipment.